Friday, October 10, 2008


All of the students at ASU make up diversity. We're all different from one another and that's what makes the college experience that much better. We get to interact with all sorts of people and we can learn more about them. It is hard at times to relate to one another but that challenge is what will make us know each other worth it. We also need to learn to not stereotype because most of the time they're wrong.

Delia Saenz defines diversity in terms of representation and inclusion. She states the following, "Representation gives us an indication of how well we are fulfilling our mission to serve the public good. Inclusion entails creating a positive learning and working environment and a climate that is respectful of and welcoming to all our members." It is our duty not only to get more involved with diverse people but we also have to represent ourselves and our culture. That way we can invite more people to want to learn more about us. We need to be open minded to the ideas of others and get more involved with others because that is exactly how it will be in the working world.

Stereotyping is so common we don't even realize it. For example, the video that was shown to us was about how people tend to assume that all Asians look the same. This of course isn't true though. They are all different and each Asian race had it's own distinction that sets them apart from everyone else. In order to be more social with others we need to listen and learn.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Global Engagement

For the longest time I used to think that what went on in the rest of the world had nothing to do with me but I was wrong. In the words of Anthony Rock, "The world is not somewhere other than here. It’s important to realize that that someplace else, that larger world is part of the world in which you live." This is so true even now that the U.S. is dealing with heavy economical issues. Not only we feel this but also nations around the world are beginning to feel it as well. It is up to us to be informed of everything that goes on in the world and try to find solutions.

The running dry was a perfect example of how problems can impact the whole world. We are all affected by what goes on in other countries which is why it is super important to pay attention to the rest of the world. We usually tend to just worry about ourselves but that will take us nowhere because we need to know how the world is doing in order to make certain decisions. For example to decide what major we would like to pursue or in order to invest in something. I've learned to not just worry about my problems because there are even greater problems out there.


I never really understood what entrepreneurship was but after this learning module, i have a bigger grasp of what it is. Entrepreneurship is, as defined by Dan O'Neil, is the spirit of creative risk taking. Basically, in order to be a successful entrepreneurship, one needs to learn to take risks. Some of the characteristics that they have are creativity, innovation, knowledge, skill and passion. Passion is the most important because without it, nothing gets done. They see problems as opportunities to find solutions. I always thought that entrepreneurship was only used in the business world but it turns out that that is not the case at all. All successful entrepreneurs came from different backgrounds and ethnicity's.

Everything involves taking risks. Some things more than others but whether we gain from that risk or not, we won't be able to say "I wish I would have taken that risk". As I mentioned earlier, entrepreneurship is not limited to the business world. It can be used in athletics, cosmetics or whatever it is that intrigues a person. What I found most interesting about this topic is that entrepreneurs don't stay away from problems, they seek them so that they can find a new solution. That is a good way to view all the problems in this world.

Like many other things that we want to accomplish, it can't be done without passion. Passion is that extra boost that many of us need in order to go that extra step. As long as we have that desire to finish what we start, nothing can stop us.

Our ASU Libraries

There is no doubt that the library is the most useful resource here on campus. It has everything we need from books, online journals, videos and databases. There is no reason to not complete a research assignment because we have all the resources we need a few feet away from us. There is no reason to not use the library because it is there to help us. So say goodbye to google because we won't be using that anymore.

I've already had to submit many papers and I found all the information I needed at the library. Marc Mason said the following: "By starting your search in one of the library’s research databases, you’ll have access to millions of full-text articles at absolutely no cost to you." Free information? The libraries at ASU offer us all this information but a lot of us don't use it. There are students that have told me that they never go to the library! If people are scared to go because they don't know what to do there's an online service called ask the librarian. They will help with any problem any of us might have. If it's more convenient for someone though, they can meet with them in person as well.

The difference between google and the databases at the library is that the information from the databases is more reliable. It's also easier to narrow down our research on the databases, unlike google where you can get hundreds of thousands of hits. Marc Mason also said, "However, as you begin your college career, and begin doing college-level research, your instructors are likely going to begin giving you assignments where you are not allowed to use Google or other free Internet resources." This is scary for many of us but true. All in all though, this is for our own good and we learn that google isn't the only search engine out there.

Succeeding at ASU

If there is one thing we all want while we are here at Arizona State University, it is success. This can be accomplished as long as we remember to manage our time, go to class and be responsible for our own success. This isn't high school anymore and I'm sure that many of us are realizing that along the way. We have no one to tell us what to do or to go to class, no one to tell us to do our homework and no one to tell us how to manage our time. This is our responsibility now and it is up to us to accomplish what we set ourselves to do while here at ASU.

In the presentation Afsaneh Nahavandi stated, "You need to learn to manage your time on your own." This statement is very blunt and straightforward. If we don't learn how to do this, how will we ever get anything done? Most of us have breaks during our classes but it's hard for us to get anything done because we'd rather hang out with our friends. I'm speaking from experience because this has happened to me before and by the end of the day, I'm very stressed trying to get my work done. This can easily be avoided as long as we leave time for our schoolwork.

Of course the most important thing we can do is go to class! This seems like common sense but there are still students who would rather sleep in or take an extra hour for lunch. As stated, "There is a lot of learning that takes place in class, but it is your decision, and it is up to you." This is true because I get a lot of reading from my lecture classes that covers the class for that day, but I still learn new stuff when my instructor goes over it. You can never learn too much and it definitely won't hurt to go to class. If this doesn't convince anyone then the fact that we are paying for those classes should. An education isn't cheap and we need to learn to be responsible.

Acadaemic Integrity

Academic honesty is very important here at Arizona State University. Now that we are college students we are more responsible and mature to understand that cheating is unacceptable and it includes consequences. When we cheat we hurt no only ourselves, but others around us. We're not being fair to ourselves, but most especially to the people who we cheat from. There's no reason to sell ourselves short because we got in this school due to our hard work and effort and there's no reason to change that.

As stated in the presentation by Joe Bunker, "studies have shown that acting with integrity or doing the right thing can become a habit." As long as we stay on the right path, we won't ever need to worry about ever cheating or turning in a paper that is not ours. This is why it is very important to always do the right thing. We got this far accomplishing this, why not go all the way?

Another important statement by Joe Bunker is, "Keep in mind that there may be both short and long-term consequences for academic dishonesty at Arizona State University." We either redo the assignment, fail it or receive an XE. It's not worth it. Why risk everything we've worked hard for? If we want people to take us seriously in the real world we need to prove that we are serious about our education first. We need to prove to our professors that we are honest and that our education is very important to us. One day we will be so glad and happy that we maintained academic integrity.